Illustration by Luke McGarry/LA Record

The current issue of the L.A. Record features a lengthy interview by founding Black Flag bassist/former SST Records mogul Chuck Dukowski with authors David Markey and Jordan Schwartz of the book WE GOT POWER!: Hardcore Punk Scenes from 1980s Southern California. Turning the tables, the elder L.A. counterculture statesman Dukowski informally interrogates the two crucial chroniclers about punk publishing; Henry Rollins’s tattoos and first show with Black Flag; survival through humor; the early influence of Flipper and Redd Kross, and skating in Santa Monica circa 1981. The complete interview is RIGHT HERE.

If you’ve read the book already, how do you like the L.A. Record‘s illustration of David Markey squirting an anarchy A on a tostada and coauthor Jordan Schwartz demoing an alternate take on Anarchy Puss, with Black Flag’s Chuck Dukowski (or it that Chemical People’s Dave Nazworthy?) chilling in his new wave potato sack?


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