As any Necros fan can tell by the name, Conquest for Death are a blazing American hardcore thrash band. Singer Devon Morf is a longtime trader pal from the original thrash days, he used to edit Wajlemac ‘zine. This morning he pretty much blew me away with a folio of fotos from CFD’s recent tour of South Africa and Botswana!
I’ve heard of the Botswanan band Wrust, and even played them on my Bloody Roots show on Sirius. But I figured they were a small clique of well-to-do Africans jamming in isolation. The crowd shots Devon sent show otherwise. Whether for the sheer novelty value of watching sweaty long-haired white people lose their shit, or simply because metal rules, African metal is off and running–this is gonna be good!
Devon, Craig, and Robert are long time friends of mine (Robert was my housemate for a while and he eats alot.) They are truly some of the most amazing, intrepid, fearless and kind men ever made. But now I am dying to hear some Wrust and get loaded in Botswana. Love the site. Thanks.