NYHC: New York Hardcore 1980-1990 author Tony Rettman recently sat down with American punk legend Dez Cadena for a career-spanning interview for Noisey. In the sprawling Q&A, Dez discusses his musical upbringing, his time in both Black Flag and the Misfits, and his recent battle with throat cancer.
“They took out the polyp in March and I was sounding good. I could actually sing. But I just went through radiation therapy and I’m going through side effects. It gives you sunburn on your vocal chords; that’s why I sound this way. Actually, this is the longest I’ve talked in a while.”
Cadena contributed an essay to our book WE GOT POWER!: Hardcore Punk Scenes from 1980s Southern California, and is photographed in the book performing with Black Flag and Redd Kross, and hanging with childhood hero Wild Man Fischer. He also appears in our TOUCH AND GO book, gracing the cover of Touch and Go mag #12.
Please help Dez pay the doctor by contributing to his Go Fund Me page: