
Hats off to hometown hero Andy McCoy, who this past weekend presided over and performed at a ceremony for the unveiling of his very own statue. Seems McCoy’s uncle back in his far northern hometown of Pelkosenniemi, Finland, is a folk artist, and he carved this full-color tribute to the Cosmic Ted to honor the man’s decades of music and entertainment in Hanoi Rocks, as a solo musician, and as a Finnish TV star.

Andy’s comment is typically great: “Now you can come over here whenever you want to hang out with me.”

If you like that, Bazillion Points books is now taking pre-orders for Sheriff McCoy: Legend of Hanoi Rocks, Andy’s uproarious autobiography.

Click image for the full Finnish story.

Thanks, Ike Vil!


  1. I wish I was even close to hang out at the statue, I’d pick up even more influence from the great. (Thankx Unc-McCoy for the art)

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