VH1 Classic and its signature series That Metal Show died on August 1st so that Headbangers Ball and Beavis and Butt-head could live again.

MTV Classic has arrived, bringing with it ’90s-focused MTV series reruns and blocks of vintage music videos. Beavis and Butt-head prevails via full episodes complete with metal-heavy music video commentary—a key aspect of the show that had been removed from B&B for home video release.

Programming at the channel so far seems to be a dump of VHS archives piled up at MTV central, with no rhyme or reason and the occasional Headbangers Ball airing conveniently between 3am and 5am.

The network is sufficiently invested, however, to lend its name to an MTV Headbangers Ball Tour around Europe this December with Iced Earth, Kataklysm, Ensiferum, and Unearth.

Headbangers Ball Tour 2016

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