[Click image to enlarge]

Hey look, it’s our founding fathers (and mother Kira Roessler), the ones that really matter. This excellent info-graphic charts the 11-year history and changing hairs of fundamental psychotic California hardcore band Black Flag, If I could get this printed onto disposable paper placemats, I’d take them with me everywhere I go and eat every meal blessed by these people I consider to be as holy as monks.

Artist unknown–but the Henry Rollins head is obviously copied from a sketch of Charles Manson, and that’s pretty goddamn funny!


  1. a surfer dude that i worked with in venice beach kept telling me that this mellow dude who always came in for coffee used to be in black flag. i simply couldn’t believe it. so many people in LA claim they know the germs* or black flag, or whoever so i was like “whatever”. turns out Emil was in the band for a 3 month tour or so. Rollins said he was bummed because Emil painted an old transparent (Robo ? ) kit black.

    Emil was always really shy and funny and nice.

    Hail Flag . . .

    * Nicole Panter, being a Venice local, also came in and she was a hot looking art professor at a reputable college and really was interested in young zines !

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