HELLHAMMER/CELTIC FROST Photo History Book Approaching
Former HELLHAMMER/CELTIC FROST mainman Tom Gabriel Fischer and Bazillion Points Books have announced the forthcoming publication for 'Only Death Is Real: An Illustrated History of Hellhammer and Early Celtic Frost."
Thor vs. Cronos of Venom: When Pantera Was a Buxom Babe
Last weekend I was digging out Hanoi Rocks articles from old Kerrang!s to include as backstory with Bazillion Points' upcoming press mailing of...
Michael Jackson beat it today.
Here's a video of Michael Jackson with his brothers on the Jacksons Victory tour in 1984, joined onstage by Eddie Van Halen to play...
Headbanging While Making Fire!
I'm stunned at how well this video delineates our relationship, myself and each and every one of you anonymous blog surfers on an individual...
HELL’S: The Satanic Kids Are All Rite
Sweet, sweet Napoli—home of pizza, Italian organized crime, and back in 1986 a devilish quintet of molten Italian metal mongers called Hell's. Their sole...
ENFORCER: Lost and Found in Chicago
I'll admit it, the demo queue is very, very long around here—I'm always glad to knock one off the stack when a high-quality reissue...
Just Call Him “Menu-Face”
Wow, Chthonic has a weird new look. Did the Taiwanese black metal band play a show with Australia's furnitureheads Portal or something? Just reminds...
ANDY McCOY: ‘Sheriff McCoy: Legend of Hanoi Rocks’ Autobiography Available for...
The decadent autobiography of HANOI ROCKS co-founder Andy McCoy, "Sheriff McCoy: Legend of Hanoi Rocks", will soon be available in English for the first...
Takashi Miike vs. Flower Travellin’ Band
Considering that every film directed by Takeshi Miike is better than 98% of anything else, and that Deadly Outlaw Rekka is one of his...
Portal Makes Me So Damn Happy
What can I tell you about the eerie, hooded Australian phenomenon Portal? Their cosmic puddle of death metal sounds to me like Morbid Angel...
POST MORTEM: Die, Funeral, Dead, R.I.P.
Though local wags in Boston dubbed these zoned-out punk metal thrashers "Post Boredom," this band deserves credit for digging its shallow trench for over...
Somebody Buy David Lee Roth a Beer
I have a hard time convincing skeptics of the fury of Van Halen in its prime, and the band in its current non-incarnation isn't...
The Look of Lava
Nobody told me, but a few weeks ago Alan Rapp's Critical Terrain design blog posted eight minutes of an interview with Stephen O'Malley and...
“Scream for Me, Argentina!”
Here's my rough attempt to capture the spectacle of 42,000 Iron Maiden fans streaming into Sarsfield stadium in Buenos Aires, Argentina, before losing their...
The Stew of True Doom
Feast your eyes on the Stew of True Doom, a molten metal masterpiece concocted by Karl Simon of the powerful Indy warlords The Gates...
Convincing People With F.J. Ossang’s SILENCIO
I've already sold my ticket for next week's Throbbing Gristle show at the Masonic Temple in Brooklyn, their first ever in New York, because...
TRANSGRESSION: “I Like To Smoke and I Like To Drink, but...
When I was 14 I had it all — a weekly metal radio show on a college radio station that reached Rochester, Syracuse, and...
AT THE GATES: Sirius Bloody Roots Interview, July 2008
Here's a rip from the Sirius live stream of my slickly-produced July 19, 2008 interview with singer Tomas Lindberg and guitarist Martin Larsson...
And Smurfs? And Smurfs.
UNICEF must have consulted Discharge before commissioning this anti-bombing TV spot starring the Smurfs.
Thanks, Sarah!
Ian on Fangoria Radio for Friday the 13th
I've been doing a lot more talking and book publishing lately than demo posting, I'll admit. That's about to change. But tomorrow's reserved for...