Many Empty Lawnchairs
My temperature rises for vintage videos of Overkill slaying the New York legions at L'Amour in Brooklyn, or Exodus goading the Slay Team to...
Radical Behavior: What Do You Know About Rad Behavior?
Here's a painfully sweet metal/hardcore crossover blast from 1985 by the ultra-obscure white sneakers crew Radical Behavior. I got this on a tape with...
Drill Baby, Drill
Friends of the world, if you've ever wondered what American Republicans talk about when they get together, here's a hint: It starts with a...
Non-Metal Dude Reading Metal Book?
BrooklynVegan posted this street scene from yesterday's Brooklyn Book Festival, depicting Sonic Youth's giant emeritus Thurston Moore flanked by two great accessories: Ian MacKaye,...
Beyond Posession: Beyond Possession, Princess!
Beyond Possession from Calgary, Canada, have at least one molecule of a legacy, thanks to a legendary punk 7", an album on Death/Metal Blade,...
Bazillion Points in Time Out New York?
Time Out New York has splashed a bucket of cool water on the ongoing gnawing heat of anxiety and alienation in my individual stretch...
The Mad Baker
If you're familiar with the concept of gingerbread men, you'll love this mostly silent footage from a Thai bakery where human body parts built...
Who Are You? #6: Audio Edition
A few weeks ago, I put together a fast thrash metal episode of my weekly Bloody Roots radio show on Sirius Hard Attack, featuring...
Nihilist -> Entombed -> The Hellacopters -> Death Breath -> The...
Larvaes and germs, we have The Solution, the latest project of Nicke Andersson, one of the main originators of Swedish death metal (and cover...
Demolition Hammer: Upload the Hammers!
By 1988, thrash metal was already at peak cruising altitude. Reign in Blood and Master of Puppets were widespread, all the ragers had signed...
88 BoaDrum NYC Rehearsal
Wowwowpowpow. Tonight, 8/8/08, at 8:08pm, at the end of North 8th Street, the Brooklyn wing of the Boredoms' cosmic 88BoaDrum event will flap. Basically,...
Secrets of Swedish Death Metal Revealed
Here Daniel Ekeroth, author of the massive Swedish Death Metal book (not to mention bassist of TYRANT and INSISION), unleashes a short session explaining...
Excitering News
I don't live in Ottawa, so this is weird. A couple weeks ago I was marching up Avenue of the Americas in Manhattan, sending...
The Gear of Satan
Demolition Hammer's excellent "Skull Fracturing Nightmare" sits here ready for rescue, but I've been battling my infernal analog-digital converter for over a month now....
When Lemmy Dreams, He Dreams of Shadows
My dad doesn't historically have the coolest taste in music, but a funny thing happened when he came to New York last year for...
Swedish Death Metal Book Trailer
The book is always better than the YouTube, but with a few weeks to go before Daniel Ekeroth's Swedish Death Metal book is available,...
"He Likes My Shirt!"
Just for you, a photo of the spiffy Burzum shirt worn by a gay German dude getting off the subway in Brooklyn after the...
Sacrifice: Cut off head! Cut off head! Cut off Head!
Here's a juicy bone plucked from the death/thrash/black metal cauldron of 1985. Toronto quartet Sacrifice were nearly as fast and lethal as any other...
Swedish Death Metal Book Update
Man does not live by blog alone, and in fact the monster project for the past six months has been getting all the pieces...
Live Strong, Go See Iron Maiden
Check it out: the two heads on the right of this row of people being astonished by Iron Maiden at Madison Square Garden belong...