Forced Entry: Seattle’s Best Thrash
The Pacific Northwest isn't known for being peppy, so it shouldn't surprise anyone that Seattle's best-known thrash metal export Forced Entry are the most...
Gratuitous Lordi Photo-Op
Eurovision winners/future Ozzfest heatstroke victims Lordi signing Pedon Meteli -- the Finnish version of Sound of the Beast -- as a gift for translator...
Mustaine: "My Eyes Are Watering"
Funny footage here from French TV of Dave Mustaine struggling to play "Hangar 18," Guitar Hero II version, for the first time.
"You are too...
Vultures Interfere with Corpse Pit
From the new Six Feet Under CD Reuters:
'Body farm' on hold due to vultures
A TEXAS university's plans for a site to study decomposing human...
Sacrilege: Before Commercialism
"You can copy this tape and its cover all you want and spread it around -- thanks, Strephon Taylor."
Okay! That's the handwritten message on...
Chainsaw: The Dawn of German Speed Metal
The first of at least six CHAINSAWs in the metal toolshed, this lot of German headbangers released two 4-song demo tapes in 1985 --...
Swiss Misters
In the name of sloppy, ruinous cavorting, I left my camera at home and went out to see Celtic Frost last night opening for...
Dream Death: Never Thought Life Could Be So Damn Evil
In the annals of forgotten, unappreciated, worthy pioneers, Pittsburgh sludge lords Dream Death loom large. I took some heat after Sound of the Beast...
From the Rat’s Mouth: Overkill/Thrash History DVD
Original Overkill drummer/mastermind Rat Skates has produced a great DVD memoir, Born in the Basement, that pretty much sums up the completely nuts energy...
Goatlord: What Happens in Vegas…
Before the odd ultra-sludgy LP with the electronic drums and long before Darkthrone paid tribute with its Goatlord CD, Goatlord were dirgy and shoddy...
Victory for Fallen Wiccan Soldiers
This Memorial Day will be a good one for the families of 11 deceased Wiccan soldiers. After a long and embarrassing fight, the US...
Legal Threats Against
Sucky news for the advancement of metal guitar playing -- the user-generated vault of wisdom has taken down all of its tabs in...
Deathly Blast
Appearing at the Milwaukee Metalfest in 1990, Obituary nearly obliterated half the death metal fans in the world with some jerry-rigged stage pyro. The...
Samhain: Speedy Delivery from Denmark
Samhain were the dark children of Mercyful Fate, Celtic Frost, Master, and the entire experience of the demo-trading universe. The band was comprised of...
Oink-less Pork on Your Plate?
Welcome to the science fiction world of future sausage...the amusing illustration above comes from a story I just wrote for Popular Mechanics about lab-grown...
1ST LISTEN: Shining, V: Halmstad (8/10)
The litany of abusive, nasty Swedish black metal continues. In the two years since the near-masterpiece IV: The Eerie Cold, Shining has provoked the...
Insaniac: If the Straightjacket fits…
Hailing from the same New Jersey gutters that spawned Overkill, Blessed Death, Hades and then Blood Feast, Insaniac were mid-80s thrash nuts with an...
Immortal @ Inferno 2007
A true Easter resurrection! Here's Immortal last Good Friday night in Oslo doing "Unholy Forces of Evil" complete with hair fan, dangerous flameburst and...
Holy Truck!
Japanese Dekotura -- "decorated truck" -- culture proves the Decepticons won the war. Now you can move into a new neighborhood in a vehicle...
Porn Orchard: Savor Forbidden Fruit
Not exactly brutal thrashing madness, Porn Orchard were an Athens, GA, hardcore band marching under the Black Flag banner, with great lyrics about social...