TOUCH AND GO: The Meatmen’s Pope on a Rope First-Ever Vinyl Release on Self...

The artwork has been redrawn and updated with Pope Francis taking his place on the end of a string

Bloody Roots Salutes Megaforce Records on Sirius XM

Bands like Metallica, Anthrax, Overkill, Testament, S.O.D., Raven, Manowar, Mercyful Fate, and many others

Sat 10/24, Toronto: NYHC Author Tony Rettman at Not Dead Yet Fest

Noon 10/24 at Faith/Void Records in Toronto. Come on up and have a poutine with Rettman!

MEAN DEVIATION: New Songs by Texas Prog Metal Gods WATCHTOWER Available Now

How long has Watchtower made the world wait for its next multidimensional breath?

NYHC: Kraut’s Influential “Kill For Cash” Single Released Today in 1981

"Unbeknownst to us, while we were playing in that studio, there was a scene just starting to happen. It was all about timing."

METALION: E. of WATAIN Declares Slayer Mag “One of the Most Important Gateways” in...

Erik Danielsson: "I hold Slayer Mag and Metalion in high regard and having been put on the last cover on the last issue of Slayer mag was probably the greatest reward for a band like Watain"

NEW BOOK ALERT! Preorder CITY BABY, Ross Lomas’ Hilarious/Harrowing G.B.H Memoir!

PRE-ORDER CITY BABY by Ross Lomas Hear ye, hear ye, we are announcing the November 2015 North American release of the incomparable hardcore punk memoir CITY BABY:...

WE GOT POWER!: Saccharine Trust’s Masterpiece Paganicons Is Back in Print!

Listen deep and help make this record as well known as Nevermind.

TOUCH AND GO: Necros/Bored Youth/R.O.T.A. Rarities from Chicago’s Alona’s Dream Label

Be sure to bust out your well-worn copy of TOUCH AND GO: The Complete Hardcore Punk Zine ’79–’83 and follow along as the Midwest explodes with hardcore mayhem of the most juvenile order.

WE GOT POWER!: New Video for the Middle Class’s Early Hardcore Classic “Out of...

Today, over 35 years since the release of "Out of Vogue," an official video has been released for the EP's title cut.

Thurs 10/22, Rochester, NY: NYHC Author Tony Rettman at Needledrop Records

Catch Tony at NeedleDrop Records in Rochester on Thursday, October 22nd.

Bloody Roots of Horror Writer H.P. Lovecraft and Metal on Sirius XM

Essential Lovecraft-inspired tracks by Black Sabbath, Metallica, Celtic Frost, Morbid Angel, Electric Wizard, the Black Dahlia Murder, and more.

Bloody Roots of Colombian Metal on Sirius XM

Ian Christe leads an excursion to the proud South American metal stronghold Colombia

NYHC: Burn Set the UK Ablaze—California Is Next

This coming weekend, the band will do a weekend jaunt of the U.S. West Coast, supported by a bevy of heavy hitters including Strife, Trial, Soul Search, and Done Dying.

Ian Christe on Dave Pybus’ Life Is a Hideous Thing Podcast

Topics discussed include the dirty details of the authorly life, the new state of Bazillion Points, beer, and whether or not dabbling in videogames is okay for grownups.

Bloody Roots of Female-Fronted Black Metal on Sirius XM

This week's metal history lesson shines a beacon in the black metal underworld to locate the formidable terror of female-fronted bands.

METALION: New Ball-Rattling SUNN 0))) Album Kannon Due in December

METALION: The Slayer Mag Diaries foreword contributor and general Bazillion Points ambassador Stephen O'Malley is about to put forth a new studio release by his highly influential, ball-rattling band SUNN 0)))

TOUCH AND GO: Found 1981 Footage of THE FIX From Fresno Gig Supporting Dead...

We've been awash in short 8mm film snippets lately capturing Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, Van Halen, and Jimi Hendrix in the 1970s. Now comes the Fix.

NYHC: Classic BEYOND “Dew It” Demo 1988 Coming on Vinyl w/WNYU Live Session

None surpassed the out-of-nowhere jolt to the moshing masses provided by Long Island’s Beyond and their "Dew It!" demo in the early part of 1988

TOUCH AND GO: The Return of Battalion of Saints

Pioneering early-'80s San Diego hardcore band Battalion of Saints are back and ready to rage with a three-song 7" EP coming from Southern Lord