Swedish Death Metal Band of the Week: SOCIETY GANG RAPE

"The most dangerous female band on Earth," according to Daniel Ekeroth

Sun 11/6, Texas: Tony Rettman + Youth of Today Talk NYHC...

Tony Rettman will lead a panel of reunited Youth of Today members to discuss NYHC: the book, the music, and the scene Tony's writing chronicles, celebrates, and brings to life with elbow-to-the-eyeball immediacy

Bloody Roots Celebrates Thirty Years of NEUROSIS on SiriusXM

BLOODY ROOTS CELEBRATES THIRTY YEARS OF NEUROSIS Week of Sept 17, 2016 Sat 9/17, 6PM ET Sun 9/18, 1PM ET Mon 9/19, 9AM ET Tues 9/20, 4PM ET Thurs 9/22,...

Mean Deviation: Opeth’s Boffo Billboard Feature, Beers, and Big Tour

Not bad for an extreme metal battalion that initially emerged in 1990 from Stockholm’s dark fringes, hoping to hold a black candle to their idols Bathory, Voivod, and Mefisto.

Weekend in the Windy City: Chicago’s Riot Fest Starts Tomorrow

Dozens of key acts will be leaping into action, straight from the pages of a range of Bazillion Points books.

EUCHARIST Is the Swedish Death Metal Band of the Week

Early innovators of the ’90s “Gothenburg sound” that fuses crushing death metal ferocity with muscularly musical melody, Eucharist wailed first in summer 1989 when...

METALION: Fenriz of Darkthrone Sort-of Elected to Kolbotn Town Council on...

He submitted a photo of himself holding his cat, along with the perfect campaign pitch: "Don't vote for me."

WE GOT POWER!: David Markey’s Rare 1980 Film Short Depicts the...

David Markey, revered director of Desperate Teenage Lovedolls, 1991: The Year Punk Broke, and The Slog Movie, not to mention coauthor of WE GOT...

Bloody Roots of the Misfits on SiriusXM

Bloody Roots plunges both hands deep into the gory vaults of this legendary New Jersey horror hardcore band.

ONLY DEATH IS REAL: Are You Morbid? Witness Triptykon’s Total Metal...

Witness the wisdom and experience of a life spent in metal via the complete 72-minute high-def concert stream above.

Sat 10/8, LA: WE GOT POWER! Photo Opening at Pop Obscure...

Four years ago, David Markey and Jordan Schwartz threw the loudest book release party in known recent history.

MISERY OBSCURA: Preorder Eerie Von’s Misfits | Samhain | Danzig Photo...

Few dared tread where Eerie walked during those years...and he was the only one with a camera.

METALION: Enslaved’s Vikinglirg Veldi Reissue Kicks Off 25th Anniversary Tour

Norwegian extreme metal horde Enslaved initially came together in 1991, immediately forging a new epoch in frost-and-fire and vision-inducing black metal.

Bloody Roots of Haunting Female-Fronted Heavy Occult Metal on SiriusXM

The best of recent incantations by Castle, Lucifer (pictured), Wooden Stake, Holy Grove, Serpentcult, Cauchemar, Mansion, and more.

TOUCH AND GO/WE GOT POWER!’s Keith Morris Ventures Out with New...

Until the authorities start burning books, MY DAMAGE is available everywhere books are sold.

SUB POP USA: Amazon, Microsoft, Starbucks, etc. Can Bite It—Sub Pop...

Read up before applying for your dream job!

MEAN DEVIATION: ProgPower USA Poised to Wash, Rinse, and Blow Minds

Rabid readers of MEAN DEVIATION: Four Decades of Progressive Heavy Metal rejoice!

The Swedish Death Metal Band of the Week Is REGURGITATE

Never to be confused with Regurgitate from Avesta—who raucously rage in their own right—the Stockholm-based Regurgitate is a powerhouse/clearinghouse of Swedish death metal talents...

Bloody Roots of Analog Synths in Metal on Sirius XM

Ominous drones, piercing squelches, and shimmering waves of circuitry in tracks by Rainbow, Black Sabbath, Sigh, Amorphis, Ufommamut, Zemial, Hammers of Misfortune, Ihsahn, John Carpenter, and others.

NYHC: Sick of It All’s XXXth Anniversary Tour Stomps Europe, U.S.,...

The occasion is the band’s 30-Year Anniversary Tour, a literally moving celebration of SOIA’s 1986 launch and its ongoing ups and downs