Sirius XM Bloody Roots of the Metal Children

Won't somebody please think of the children?? The raw innocence and emerging shadows of tiny tots are inspected and protected by Savatage, Iron Maiden, Napalm Death, Dismember, Black Breath, the Oath, Venom, Warlord, Carcass, and many others!

Thurs 5/22, Baltimore: BAZILLION POINTS Night / MDF Pre-Party at Atomic...

Kicking off Maryland Deathfest weekend, Bazillion Points invites rabid readers to Baltimore stronghold Atomic Books (3620 Falls Rd, Baltimore, MD) for a mayhemic author night.

Nine Pages of Praise for Bazillion Points in The PITCHFORK REVIEW

"It's definitely been hard, but I think that we're doing it right."

Finished Samples of Our SLAYER X Red Reissue Hardcovers

There is no better first-hand report of the crucial 1992-94 period of Norwegian black metal.

Sirius XM Bloody Roots of ’90s Hardcore

Tracks by Bane, Judge, Madball, Chokehold, Rorschach, Botch, Skitsystem, Converge, Hatebreed, and many more.

Sirius XM Bloody Roots of Heavy Metal in Outer Space

This week's metal history lesson features metal from across the galaxy by Voivod, Satyricon, Assassin, Black Sabbath, Hawkwind, Cathedral, Gojira, Inquisition, and more!

Sirius XM Bloody Roots of Technical Death Metal

A master class of bizarre overachiever head-cracking bands like Gorguts, Meshuggah, Cynic, Death, Necrophagist, Demilich, and more!

TOUCH AND GO: Decibel Streams New Meatmen Song Today

Weenbags and wenches with the appropriate amount of cojones can follow this link to the song "Dinosaur"

BAZILLION POINTS To Ditch Paper in 2015; Full Catalog Google Glass...

Digital just means better when it comes to music, special effects, food, and books.

Sunday 4/6, Seattle: Bruce Pavitt at the Experience Music Project

EXPERIENCING NIRVANA: Grunge in Europe, 1989, author Bruce Pavitt joins a top-shelf crew of luminaries for a FREE event this coming Sunday at the Experience Music Project museum in Seattle, WA.

Sirius XM Bloody Roots of Berserker Viking Metal

Strap on your horned helmet, hoist high your goblet, and join the marauding war party for a powerful and glorious collection of bellowed hymns!

SLAYER Mag X Reissue: Red Jacket Printer Proofs Approved

Slayer Mag X is without question the fullest compendium of first-hand source material relating to the "hot years" of Norwegian black metal.

Welcome to Firenado Country!

Beast wishes to Rocky Mountain Arsenal firefighter Thomas Rogers for capturing this crazy "firenado" on video

R.I.P. Dave Brockie, 1963–2014; GWAR’s Oderus Urungus

Dave fought the law, he fought censorship, he fought complacency, he fought macho metal shit-talkers by the hundreds, and of course he always won.

Sirius XM Bloody Roots of Early European Speed Metal

Featuring Living Death, Warhead, SxDxIx, Bulldozer, Cyclone, Poltergeist, ADX, Oz, and many more!

Black Metal Relic: Slayer Mag # 3/4 From 1986 Is Up...

The Slayer Mag Archives are opening up a little and releasing some treasure.

3/30, Brooklyn: Music Book Club #1 Tackles What Are You Doing...

"The concept is simple. we pick a book, you read it, then we get together for discussion, drinks, and music listening."

3/26, London: Experiencing Nirvana Photo Show Opening at Proud Camden

Proud Camden presents Experiencing Nirvana—marking the 20th anniversary of Kurt Cobain's untimely death—an exhibition by photographers Charles Peterson and Steve Double

Sirius XM Bloody Roots St. Patrick’s Day Thin Lizzy Tribute

We celebrate the ancient folk hero Saint Patrick this week with a full hour of dual-guitar tributes to beloved Irish hard rock saviors Thin Lizzy.

SAT 3/29: Bruce Pavitt Talks Nirvana at Bookpeople, Moscow, Idaho

Experiencing Nirvana: Grunge in Europe, 1989, author Bruce Pavitt will appear at Bookpeople of Moscow, ID, on Saturday, March 29